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公司名称: Guangzhou Hansun Communication Equipment Co.,Ltd 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 1998 
注册资金: 100万 - 250万 
员工数量: 11 - 50 人 
年销售额: 250万 - 500万 
主要产品: PCM ,PDH ,Video optical ,protocal  
公司简介: Our company is a factory and had provide good quality products
for Military/Hospital/buildings/railway control/goverment control.......since 1998.

We are professional at product media converters for optic and copper line with high quality and good price.
We use the Brand-new Optic modules which make the converters stable to running and long-time service life .
And you are welcomed to visit our website http:// *域名隐藏* /englishu to get more information of our company.
Guangzhou Hansun Communication Equipment Co.,Ltd / 广东 / No.7 Jianzhong Road,S&T Zone,Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China (510400) / 电话:020-85521526

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